Get stakeholders data
200: OK Successful request
Copy {
"stakeholders": [
"userAddress": "0:2e6d5fcecfcdd36c748de15d1dd7102728b528a3538582aa5a093e6088d79e28",
"userType": "Relay",
"stakeBalance": "100000",
"frozenStakeBalance": "100000",
"lastReward": "0",
"totalReward": "0",
"createdAt": 1654255227000
"userAddress": "0:e75a9cdc1058e59d4ceb52f4cb276ee1d7e7f6180aad66e38ee607f9c8ca46d7",
"userType": "Relay",
"stakeBalance": "100001",
"frozenStakeBalance": "100001",
"lastReward": "1084.475546937000",
"totalReward": "1084.475546937000",
"createdAt": 1650297478000
"totalCount": 3
This function returns stakeholders data based on their addresses, type, time of creation, stake, balance, rewards etc.
It can be used for filtering stakeholders based on required parameters and displaying information about the filtered stakeholders such as time of creation, frozen stake, reward, address, type etc.
Request parameters
Required body parameters:
Response fields explanation
Copy app . post ( '/staking/search/stakeholders' , (req , res) => {
method : 'post' ,
url : `${apiUrl} / staking / search / stakeholders` ,
data : {
createdAtGe : req . body . createdAtGe ,
createdAtLe : req . body . createdAtLe ,
frozenStakeGe : req . body . frozenStakeGe ,
frozenStakeLe : req . body . frozenStakeLe ,
lastRewardGe : req . body . lastRewardGe ,
lastRewardLe : req . body . lastRewardLe ,
limit : req . body . limit ,
offset : req . body . offset ,
ordering : req . body . ordering ,
relayCreatedAtGe : req . body . relayCreatedAtGe ,
relayCreatedAtLe : req . body . relayCreatedAtLe ,
stakeholderAddresses : req . body . stakeholderAddresses ,
stakeholderKind : req . body . stakeholderKind ,
totalRewardGe : req . body . totalRewardGe ,
totalRewardLe : req . body . totalRewardLe ,
untilFrozenGe : req . body . untilFrozenGe ,
untilFrozenLe : req . body . untilFrozenLe ,
userBalanceGe : req . body . userBalanceGe ,
userBalanceLe : req . body . userBalanceLe ,
. then ( function (response) {
res . send ( response . data )
. catch ( function(error) {
console . error (error)
res . send ( 'Error' )
Get transactions data
200: OK Successful request
Copy {
"transactions": [
"transactionHash": "1a56f0984d31f42bc29ba4968fe9176eef6183a9e301cf9f942c562eb8dc1046",
"transactionKind": "Deposit",
"amountExec": "39.17627067",
"timestampBlock": 1654509651000
"totalCount": 1
This function returns list of transactions based on their amount, kind, time of transaction, user that initiated transaction.
It can be used for filtering all transactions from a certain user based on the required parameters and displaying them with data such as total number of transactions, time of transaction, kind, amount, for each one of them.
Request parameters
Required body parameters:
Response fields explanation
Copy app . post ( '/staking/search/transactions' , (req , res) => {
method : 'post' ,
url : `${apiUrl} / staking / search / transactions` ,
data : {
amountGe : req . body . amountGe ,
amountLe : req . body . amountLe ,
limit : req . body . limit ,
offset : req . body . offset ,
ordering : req . body . ordering ,
timestampBlockGe : req . body . timestampBlockGe ,
timestampBlockLe : req . body . timestampBlockLe ,
transactionKind : req . body . transactionKind ,
userAddress : req . body . userAddress ,
. then ( function (response) {
res . send ( response . data )
. catch ( function(error) {
console . error (error)
res . send ( 'Error' )
Get main page data
200: OK Successful request
Copy {
"tvl": "2941620.097043126000",
"tvlChange": "0.0500",
"reward30d": "0",
"reward30dChange": "0",
"averageApr": "0",
"stakeholders": 127
This function returns all the data necessary for staking.
It can be used for displaying information interesting for stakeholders, such as average annual percentage rate, monthly reward, monthly reward change, total value locked and it’s change and number of stakeholders.
Request parameters
No required parameters
Response fields explanation
Copy app . get ( '/staking/main' , (req , res) => {
method : 'get' ,
url : `${apiUrl} / staking / main`
. then ( function (response) {
res . send ( response . data )
. catch ( function(error) {
console . error (error)
res . send ( 'Error' )
Post user page data
200: OK Successful request
Copy {
"userTvl": "100",
"userTvlChange": "0",
"userFrozenStake": "0",
"user30dReward": "0.534055306000",
"user30dRewardChange": "0",
"averageApr": "0"
This function returns staking data unique for a user based on its address.
It can be used for showing to a user his personal staking page with information about average percentage rate, his reward for the last month and monthly reward change, frozen stake, user’s tvl and tvl change.
Request parameters
Required body parameters:
Response fields explanation
Copy app . post ( '/staking' , (req , res) => {
method : 'post' ,
url : `${apiUrl} / staking` ,
data : {
userAddress : req . body . userAddress
. then ( function (response) {
res . send ( response . data )
. catch ( function(error) {
console . error (error)
res . send ( 'Error' )